New Single

Garden Giving Fruits


- Single Release Date: 22nd​ J​une 2023 -

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GARDEN GIVING FRUITS - Single Credits:   

Lyrics: Holy Spirit, Barjoluc   Music: Barjoluc, Patrick Phillips  ​ Vocals: Barjoluc   Production: Patrick Phillips 

Cover Art:
Holy Spirit, Barjoluc   Photography: Lena Korallo, Barjoluc

My Soul Will 

Before I die
I want to make sure
that I spend my time 
in love with you 

Nobody on this Earth will be an exception 
Nobody knows what day will be his last 
Nobody is in control of our time but God 
Nobody will be regretting any time of love

 I can't take any stuff with me
All I can take with me is love
My soul will carry all the blessings
that happened between humans and God's heart 

Time is always moving 
moving on until we die 

Nobody on this Earth will be an exception 
Nobody knows what day will be his last 
Nobody is in control of our time but God 
Nobody will be regretting any time of love 

 I can't take any stuff with me
All I can take with me is love
My soul will carry all the blessings
that happened between humans and God's heart

Lyrics: Holy Spirit, Barjoluc

My Soul Will 
Music Video